Top crypto assets

Top crypto assets that’ll dominate the spotlight in 2022

Top crypto assets – Having passed through a major trying phase of its existence, crypto is beginning to find its way into the news again.

So far, it has been a big year, and with the look of things it’s only going to get even bigger, however, if you are looking to receive a positive node to go into crypto investment in 2022, here’s the best piece to set you in the right path.

I want to be more intentional with you, to invest in the top crypto assets/project of 2022, consider the below carefully outlined top options.

Top crypto assets: Bitcoin

The older the merrier, Bitcoin is undoubtedly the flagship crypto, with over a decade outing, Bitcoin has continued to have a record increase in demand and supply.

Investors should think of Bitcoin as a long-standing investment of 2022. The flagship crypto has been gaining interest among the biggest businesses in the world from inception.

To cite a scenario, when Tesla hints it would accept Bitcoin as a means of payment for its car products, Bitcoin further achieved stability with an influx and widespread investors across the globe.

Although Musk could not move ahead with the plans on the grounds of environmental concerns, players like PayPal, Microsoft, and The Home Depot have commenced acceptance of Bitcoin indirectly as a means of payment.

Top crypto assets: Ethereum

Just like Bitcoin, Ethereum enjoys similar advantages in the crypto space. Ethereum is shaped for a good future in 2022, having slated for an upgrade; this infers an improvement in security, scalability, and overall sustainability in the Ethereum network.

With security issues on course to be addressed, the Ethereum titled The Merge, slated for the September launch has generated a considerable amount of interest among enthusiasts.

One of the frontline enthusiasts is; Goldman Sachs, which is looking to offer Ethereum option trading, Polkadot, looking to live up to its reputation as a “Unifier of independent blockchains.”

This has propelled its image strongly into the public consciousness.

Top crypto assets: Chainlink

Chainlink is looking to register its presence and make it felt in 2022. In 2022, Chainlink was repurposed to reduce computational strain on blockchain networks like Ethereum.

This means approved security and reliability, two major reasons you can trust to always pull in investors. Its current market Capitalization is $3.33, Chainlink undoubtedly is one of the top crypto assets/projects of 2022.


You must have shown a bit of surprise to read Cardano on this royal list. Cardano although being relegated to the back alleys of crypto transactions has crypto pundits betting over its immense return.

Here are the reasons you ask;

Cardano verifies transactions via a proof-of-stake protocol. This means it’s faster, cheaper, and more energy efficient compared to say, ETH, which remains a favorite crypto project of the year because it’s the older protocol of proof-of-work.

This advantage in protocol is set to make Cardano a long-term crypto investment in 2022.


This comprehensive list of top crypto assets/projects of 2022 can help you make more informed choices and decisions to get the most out of your investment before the years runs out.

See you at the upside of trends going forward.


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